Well, we still have one left who remains un-adopted. We have named her Cora, for Core Sound, a nearby body of water, and she may get adopted here soon. So I thought I would make a post about her, especially since I got cute pictures of her yesterday.
When Cora came to us from the Coast Guard base, she was the most frightened kittens. Not sure if you have ever dealt with frightened feral kitties, but they turn into tasmanian devils. No lie. So not only was she the most frightened, she was the most frightening.
But like her sisters, she came around with time and lots of kitten burritos (where you wrap up a cat like a burrito and force your love upon them so they realize that you aren't going to hurt them and you can steer clear of those claws haha).
She is the runt of the litter, probably why she was the most skittish. She seems to be a one-on-one type kitty. She first bonded with Ana (story), and then she bonded with me. Most of the time her uber-curious nature trumps her scaredy-cat nature, but she can still be unsure about a lot of things.
We hope she finds her forever home soon.