Saturday, March 1, 2008

Meet the Streets, part four

Meet Kit. She actually has been with me pre-One Way. So, she is the step child of the relationship.

Kit is a 6-year-old border collie mix. I rescued her from the Hilton Head Humane Association in my sophomore year of college (about a year and a half before One Way and I met).

In summary, she's a spazz. She was abused/neglected and when I first got her she was terrified of men (go figure). Since One Way has come into our lives, she has gotten much better, but sometimes she relapses.

Unlike Ana, who was an absolute dream to train, Kit is a bit of a problem child. She is vey (very) eager to please but sometimes her brain just shuts down. And, unlike Ana again, she isn't content with just exercise ... she needs a job, like herding sheep. Unfortunately, our animal farm is fresh out of sheep. So, we try to do our best with keeping her occupied.

Kit is also a jealous little bug. If you want to pet Ana or Missy, you have to pet Kit.

She's a good little girl. I think we're going to try agility with her eventually. Because of Ana's breed's reputation, she took priority last year. This year, I plan to focus more on Kit. She deserves to be fulfilled.

Kit loves going for trail rides with me and Buttercup -- a pasttime that we started when I first rescued her. However, my current barn does not allow dogs and that activity has been suspended for the last year. She also loves just being around me and One Way, whether it's running or something else (she loves her car rides).

Has anyone else noticed that One Way is surrounded by beautiful women? What a lucky man ...

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