Sunday, June 13, 2010

Street Family Farm harvests

Summer is nearly here and we have started harvesting from our spring/summer crops.

Cucumbers started coming in more than a week ago and we are getting at least one a day (from one plant ... and I have about six of them planted so we are going to be consumed by cukes here soon).

I got my first tomato blushing yesterday and picked it, and today another one started to blush so I'll probably pick it tomorrow.

Dorothy, who went into a brood for a record six weeks, came out of it and she and Rose are giving us two eggs a day.

I've also started getting some squash every other day. And the jalepenos are going full steam. I also harvested all of our red potatoes today (see pic? That's about 1/2 the harvest so it will last us a while).

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