Monday, April 14, 2008

Masters of the couch

Ana and One Way have won the first annual Masters of the Couch tournament, held in beautiful West Ashley, South Carolina. The tournament was held in conjunction with the Masters golf tournament on TV.

Not only is this the first time in Couching history that two have claimed the title, it is also the first time that the two competing for the win weren't husband and wife -- they were owner and pet! The wife was completely off the leader board when she admitted to judges she was called away to work.

Though One Way spent more time on the couch than Ana, she remained a viable competitor due to her passion for being on the couch and quickness to get snuggled in. Once she held the lead, longtime couch competitor Street Mutt was unable to regain her position due to the 60 lb heavy weight.

When asked about the upset, Street Mutt replied: "I was unable to claim the position. Not only is Ana a formidable opponent, but I also had to give up the round due to work interference."

Ana, who gobbled up her prize of dog food, responded with a muffled burp on whether or not she'll compete next year.

"Ana's a serious competitor," One Way said. "At one point, I was afraid to go get a sandwich because she might encroach on my position. Next year, though, I plan to get a better position which will secure a win."

At one point, the competition between the two became so fierce, that Ana tried to finish off her opponent by snuggling on top of him -- causing him to become too hot and move from the couch. But her efforts were defeated.

One Way also briefly gained ground when he told Ana to get off the couch. When she did, she gave a sorrowful look which led to her regaining her position.

What a day in couching history!

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