Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Channukah!

Chag Sameach!!! Now, go eat some greasy, oily foods!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Buttercup says "Hay"

New camcorder!

So got a new camcorder with some of my birthday cash. I haven't caught many priceless moments yet ... but I'm sure I will. Here are my first two videos with it.

It was torrential down-pouring with a tornado watch on Thursday, so I couldn't take the dogs for a proper walk. Here they are on the treadmill:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Better late than never

My birthday was about two weeks ago (Sunday) and I wanted to share what I did that day.

One Way had 24-hour duty the night before, so he didn't come home until 9 a.m., which gave me a relaxing morning alone.

When he came home, we went for a hike with the puppies:

Uncle Devo was in town and we went over the illustrious Golf Farms where the slogan is "We grow great swings":

Then I returned home for a romantic candlelit dinner! Thanks for all the presents and cards everyone!!! I'm glad to be a quarter of a century old!