Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More pics of Blanche and Rose

One Way and I set to work last night on building a more permanent and better chicken coop. He really did all the work. I just did the coats of lackre (sp?).

Great way to spend an anniversary!

Here is their temporary coop:

And since I don't have ENOUGH chicken pics ... here's some more:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Two years = two chickens

Today is our two year anniversary. Two years ago, we woke up on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica in a bungalow. And two years ago, at sunset, we married underneath an arch of heliconias and other tropical flowers.

To celebrate the occasion, we got two chickens, Rose and Blanche (the Golden Girls). Rose is a Rode Island Red and Blanch is a Buff Orfington. They are not mature yet, so no eggs. But they are incredibly cute!



Apparently the Street Family is all fowled up, because for the last couple weeks, some bluebirds have made our backyard their home. They have built a nest and as of today have 5 light blue eggs! Of course, those are not to be eaten ... that's what chicken eggs are for! I can't wait to get pics of the babies that should hatch in the next two weeks.

Here's the nest. It is very hard to get a good angle to get a pic of the eggs. But they're in there!